Magical Canyon del Sumidero

Canon del Sumidero

The boat slowed, heading straight for a rock protruding from the river. Then I saw it. Perfectly camouflaged and from another era was an alligator (or was it a crocodile?) sunning itself on the rock. We were only 10 feet from it, far too close for my comfort. The walls of the Canyon del Sumidero towered behind it; I was transfixed. 

Canon del Sumidero

Canon del Sumidero

Boats and water have a relaxing effect on me.

The majestic Canyon del Sumidero only amplified the effect. I could have spent forever there. 

We saw another smaller alligator down the river. Our guide sped down the river, stopping at particularly beautiful vistas for us tourists to take our requisite photos. He would mumble something about the sight, but his rapid and quiet Spanish was unintelligible to me. Martin would hear one word; I would hear another, and we’d try to piece them together. “I heard viewpoint.” “I heard Chiapas.”  But what does it mean?! It didn’t really matter; it was all beautiful. 

Canon del Sumidero
Can you see the boat? This canon is HUGE!

Canon del Sumidero Canon del Sumidero

My favorite sight was a waterfall.

It came out of the rock and drizzled down the wall causing all sorts of greenery to grow. It looked like something from a movie. My mouth gapped open as I tried to capture the water sparkling in the sunlight. It is something you need to see in person. 

Canon del Sumidero Canon del Sumidero Canon del Sumidero Canon del Sumidero

The tour ended with a look at a large dam that makes electricity for most if not all of Guatemala and maybe other countries. A floating tienda anchored at the dam sold some of our fellow tourists beers and Doritos.

Canon del Sumidero

Want to visit a town festival? Yes, please.

After the magical boat ride, I didn’t think the day could have any more fun packed into it, but we got to walk around Chapas del Corizon for an hour. The little town was having a “Grand Fiesta” with costumes, parades, street food, and carnival rides. The town vibrated with life. We found some tostadas for lunch. 

Chapas de Corizon Chapas de Corizon

Days like this are why I travel.

4 thoughts on “Magical Canyon del Sumidero”

  1. So glad you guys got over to the Canyon AND saw the big festival! One maybe lost in translation piece – they call that waterfall/greenery thing the “Christmas tree” (arbol de navidad), due to its shape. So if anyone asks you if you saw the Christmas tree, you can say yes. I’ll say you got more about the dam than I did. Great photos! I was not entirely convinced the alligators were real – they just seemed so conveniently placed – but they do look differently positioned in your photos, so I’m willing to drop a bit of my skepticism. :p

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